October 11, 2004 (Asheville,
in last night to watch my pal Darlyne Cain do a show in Asheville. She's
one great songwriter/musician. Looking forward to doing some hiking
around here on my day off before heading back to Minnesota. I've
been on the road a couple of weeks. Played this weekend in Nashville
and Oakridge, Tennessee.
24, 2004 (Des Moines, IA)
Had a great time tonight at one of my favorite places to play,
"The Lighthouse". The house band joined me to
end the concert; it was terrific.
I tell ya, it's been a busy last few weeks with the book promotion.
It looks like we'll be in second edition printing before too long.
Tomorrow, I have another book signing scheduled in Minnesota. There have been several meetings with school district personnel,
Human Rights staff and different multi-cultural and diversity
interests. It's exciting for me to be able to share "Beads
on One String" and have such a high level of
interest in the project, from preschool through middle school
educators. I've also been invited to perform at the "Education
Minnesota" conference in St. Paul next month, where thousands
of teachers from throughout Minnesota will gather to look for
new ideas in the classroom.
need to continue to reach out to kids (and adults) with the message
of love and non-bias towards those who look different to us. If you agree that there is way too much hate in the world,
please join me in support by promoting "Beads on One String" to local schools, libraries, multi-cultural centers, etc.
And if you have a child, or a niece, nephew or neighbor in need
of a birthday present, I would be more than happy to autograph
a copy to them. Go to the MUSIC page for ordering information. Thank you!
25, 2004 (Port Angeles, WA)
across the Strait of Juan de Fuca, I'm watching an incredible
sunset. A peaceful retreat in the middle of a hectic touring schedule.
This is a welcome day off as I've just finished a concert stretch
of 16
cities in 18 days. Met Captain Mike from the sailing yacht Shadow
Fox today. He was going to take me out on his sailboat, but the
wind went down. Instead we sat on the pier and talked about sailing.
He and his wife lived on board the 45 foot custom Shadow Fox for
17 years while raising 4 kids. What an awesome experience. No
doubt they are a very close family. I am definitely getting the
itch to get out sailing again.
8, 2004 (Denison, IA)
Hard to believe the summer tour is underway already.
Having a great time so far in Iowa. Tonight I played at the beautiful
and historic Donna Reed Theater here in Denison (nice name for
a town, by the way!) Not sure of the final head count, but somewhere in
the neighborhood of 200-250. Very fun. The big news is that the
new kids book, "Beads on One String", is finally out.
It's based on my song of the same title. The response has been
very encouraging. I've never been involved in a project for kids
like this. I hope you will get a chance to pick up a copy for
your kids, your grandkids, your neighbors kids.....
it's late and I'm off to bed. Thanks,
Iowa for the sweet hospitality!
19, 2004 (St. Cloud, MN)
Last night was very special. We kicked
off the 20th anniversary tour with a full house at the Pioneer
Place Theater. Thanks to all the folks who came out for a night
of brand new tunes and some really OLD songs from my past. You
were right with me, word for word, note for note on all the old
stuff. It doesn't get any better than that for me. Some of you
drove hundreds of miles for the mid-week show, from the Iron Range
in Northern Minnesota, from the plains of Southwestern Minnesota
and even a group from Des Moines, Iowa. I'm truly grateful for
the support you've given me all these years. It's very inspiring
and energizing. Thank you.
10, 2004 (Chicago, IL)
It was great to finally play the Village Square last night
in Sandwich, just outside Aurora, IL. Thanks to Chris McNamara
for the great job
she did promoting the concert. I'm heading home tomorrow for a
few days. My next gig is the USA Songwriting Midwest Showcase
in Minneapolis January 16th. My main project is finishing up writing
the songs for the new album, which will be recorded live at the
PIONEER PLACE THEATER in St. Cloud, MN in mid February.
Happy 2004 everyone! |